History Skills and Knowledge Progression
End Points
To talk about past events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.
To know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.
To know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things.
To talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.
Pupils should be taught about:
Changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life
Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally [for example, the Great Fire of London, the first aeroplane flight or events commemorated through festivals or anniversaries]
The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Some should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods [for example, Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, William Caxton and Tim Berners-Lee, Pieter Bruegel the Elder and LS Lowry, Rosa Parks and Emily Davison, Mary Seacole and/or Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell]
Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
Pupils should be taught about:
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots
The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor
A local history study
A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
The achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China
Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world
A non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – one study chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c. AD 900; Mayan civilization c. AD 900; Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
By the end of EYFS children will be able to:
Understand growth, decay and changes over time.
Year 1
By the end of Year 1 children will be able to:
Describe changes in living memory.
Describe historical events significant to the local area.
Use a range of words relating to time – before, after, old, older, oldest.
Year 2
By the end of Year 2 children will be able to:
With support, place the time studied on a timeline.
Use phrases related to the passing of time e.g. a very long time ago, began, first, next, then, after, at last, finally, year, decade, century.
Describe significant events both nationally and globally beyond living memory.
Year 3
By the end of Year 3 children will be able to:
Sequence several events of artefacts.
Place the period studied on a timeline.
Use key dates and terms related to the passing of time e.g. BC/AD.
Year 4
By the end of Year 4 children will be able to:
Place events from the period studied on a timeline.
Use key dates to describe events.
Understand the terns ancient/modern and begin to sequence major historical periods.
Year 5
By the end of Year 5 children will be able to:
Know and sequence key events of a time studied.
Relate current studies to previous studies.
Use relevant terms and begin to know and use key dates.
Year 6
By the end of Year 6 children will be able to:
Place people into correct periods of time.
Sequence up to ten events on a timeline.
Identify changes over a period of time.
Use relevant dates and terms.
Know key dates, characters and events of the time studied.
Show an understanding of the history of Britain in relations to the wider world.
By the end of EYFS children will be able to:
Comment and ask questions about aspects of their familiar world, such as the place where they live or the natural world.
Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change.
Year 1
By the end of Year 1 children will be able to:
Find answers to simple questions about the past from historical sources.
Year 2
By the end of Year 2 children will be able to:
Answer questions about the past by making simple observations from historical sources.
Year 3
By the end of Year 3 children will be able to:
Ask and answer questions about the past using historical sources.
Select relevant historical information.
Year 4
By the end of Year 4 children will be able to:
Select and combine information from historical sources.
Year 5
By the end of Year 5 children will be able to:
Evaluate, select and combine information from historical sources.
Year 6
By the end of Year 6 children will be able to:
Evaluate sources of information and identify those relevant/useful to particular tasks.
By the end of EYFS children will be able to:
Show an interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them.
Recognise and describe special times or events for family or friends.
To show interest in different occupations and ways of life.
Know some of the things that make them unique, and to talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family.
Year 1
By the end of Year 1 children will be able to:
Identify major differences between life in different periods.
Use sources (e.g. artefacts, photos, story, firsthand account) – handle, observe, sketch ask and answer questions
Year 2
By the end of Year 2 children will be able to:
Explain similarities and differences between life in different periods.
Infer things about the past by looking at pictures and artefacts.
Understand that there are different types of evidence that tell us about the past.
Begin to recognise the motivations of those in the past.
Year 3
By the end of Year 3 children will be able to:
Show understanding of the concepts of similarities and differences between life in the same period.
Recount the life of a historically significant figure or event in detail, selecting information.
Give reasons for some of the actions of a historically significant figure.
Understand that events from the past still affect some people today.
Year 4
By the end of Year 4 children will be able to:
Show understanding of the significance of events from the past on life today.
Compare and contrast aspects of the past with aspects of life today.
Know that the lives of people in a historical period were not all the same.
Give reasons why key events happened or people acted as they did.
Year 5
By the end of Year 5 children will be able to:
Show an understanding of the concept of cause and consequence through the events studied.
Describe some of the main events, people and changes in a period.
Consider interpretations of an event by looking at other information.
Year 6
By the end of Year 6 children will be able to:
Show an understanding on the concept of developmental change through an aspect studied.
Find out about beliefs in different civilisations and link this to their actions.
Give reasons for and the results of the main events and changes in a period.
Look at different points of view to find out about different versions of historical events.
Evaluate sources of information and say which would be more reliable.
By the end of EYFS children will be able to:
Remember and talk about significant events in their own experiences.
Talk about some of the things they have observed e.g. plants, animals, natural and found objects.
Talk about why things happen and how things work.
Year 1
By the end of Year 1 children will be able to:
Describe historical events linked to the local area
Describe artefacts that are from the past.
Speak about how items from the past were used.
Use historical vocabulary appropriate to the ages and year group of the children.
Year 2
By the end of Year 2 children will be able to:
Use labelled diagrams, recounts and pictures to tell us what they know about the past.
Annotate photographs.
Use historical vocabulary appropriate to the year group.
Describe events of the life of a historically significant figure.
Year 3
By the end of Year 3 children will be able to:
Communicate knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways appropriate to the child’s year group e.g. discussions, recounts, diaries, pictures, annotations, drama.
Use historical vocabulary appropriate to the child’s year group.
Year 4
By the end of Year 4 children will be able to:
Year 3 skills but with greater independence and depth:
Communicate knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways appropriate to the child’s year group e.g. discussions, recounts, diaries, pictures, annotations, drama.
Use historical vocabulary appropriate to the child’s year group.
Year 5
By the end of Year 5 children will be able to:
Independently and with increased confidence and sophistication:
Communicate knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways appropriate to the child’s year group e.g. discussions, recounts, diaries, pictures, annotations, drama.
Use historical vocabulary appropriate to the child’s year group.
Year 6
By the end of Year 6 children will be able to:
Independently and with increased confidence and sophistication:
Communicate knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways appropriate to the child’s year group e.g. discussions, recounts, diaries, pictures, annotations, drama.
Use historical vocabulary appropriate to the child’s year group.