Welfare & Absences
If your child is unwell, we will make every effort to contact you. It is very important that we have up to date home / work telephone numbers or other contact numbers. Until we have contacted you, we will take any action required in the interests of the child. If your child is ill before school begins, please do not send them to school on that day.
When your child is unable to attend school, please ensure that you ring the office each morning of your child’s illness. If we do not hear from you, we will ring home.
Although we will always care for children who become ill at school, any necessary medical treatment or administering of medicines will be carried out in accordance with our Policy. Parents will need to complete a form in order for any medicines to be administered by staff.
Whilst at school, school medical services give all children a routine screening on a regular basis, including vision, height, weight and dental. Parents will be informed when these are due to take place.
We have trained first-aiders on our school staff and in the event of an accident, appropriate first aid will be given. In the case of more serious accidents we will contact you as soon as possible. Every parent will be asked to sign an agreement form giving permission for appropriate medical treatment to be arranged in the event of a parent not being contactable.
If your child suffers a blow to the head, you will always be notified.
From time to time, the school suffers an outbreak of head lice. If your child shows symptoms of infestation, please contact the school for guidance in line with advice which the school will have received from the Health Authority.
Should I Keep my Child Off School ?
Personal Accident
The local authority has asked all Head Teachers to bring the current position regarding personal accident cover for pupils to your attention:
“The revised regulations state that the County Council’s policy does not cover illness or personal accident for staff or pupils for which there is no legal liability. Information about personal accident cover for pupils may be obtained from the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations.”
Reporting Absence
Report Absence Securely and Help Improve Children's Health
Please report any absence as early as possible, through Arbor, or contact the office.
Holiday Absence
We strongly discourage parents from taking children on holiday during term time as it seriously disrupts their learning. Only in very exceptional circumstances will such a holiday be authorised.