The School Day
School starts at 8.45 and finishes at 3.15 p.m. from Monday – Friday. This equates to 6.5 hours per day and a 32.5 hour school week.
Breakfast Club begins at 7.30 a.m. and offers breakfast followed by games until the start of school.
A member of staff is on duty on the playground from 8.35 a.m. Please do not send your child to school before then as they are not supervised if they are on site before that time.
It is important that children are not late for school. Late arrival in the classroom can be upsetting for your child, and can affect the smooth running of the school. If you are unavoidably late arriving at school, please bring your child to the office. It is important that you sign your child in late, so that he/she is added to the class register in case of fire. Children who leave the site during the day need to be signed out. Registration closes at 8.55 am and 1.30pm.
We have an after-school club (Play Place) which runs until 6.00pm each day.
Teaching time
Teaching time excluding collective worship, play times, lunch breaks and registration time is as follows :-
Key Stage 1 & Foundation Stage: 21 hours 45 minutes a week
Key Stage 2: 24 hours and 10 minutes a week
Security is given a high priority at all times.
Possible entry points are limited and all visitors must sign the Visitors’ Book.
We do ask that parents do not come into school through the back entrances but always report to the school office.