Nurture & Wellbeing
At Hawkhurst CE Primary School we know that sometimes children and adults may need some some extra emotional support. We have set up our own Emotional Wellbeing Pathway and have a team of staff who are here and ready to offer that support. Staff who belong to this Team are:
Ms Jodi Hacker (Headteacher)
Mrs Nicola Poland (SENCo and Mental Health Lead)
Mrs Kate Paton (Family Liaison Officer)
The Team meet regularly to discuss any children we have concerns about and we welcome referrals from parents, staff and children themselves. We have a variety of interventions we can put in place to offer additional support. These include:
Counselling with Fegans
Counselling with Place2b
Time to Talk
Drawing and Talking Therapy
Lego Therapy
Play Therapy
Family Group
We are delighted to have been working with Place 2 Be since September 2001 and have our own therapist, Amanda Harding, in school for a day a week. From February to July we will also have a Fegans Counsellor in school for a morning a week.
If you would like to talk to a member of the Wellbeing Team about your child or yourself, please contact a member of the Team: