
Annual Summary of Business Interests

Hawkhurst Summary of Business Interests 2024-25


The governing board has adopted the following Code of Conduct

At Hawkhurst we follow the  ‘committee based model’ to include a Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee and a Curriculum and Learning Committee. 

Purpose of the governing board

The purpose of governance is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership which leads to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance. The governing board is the key strategic decision-making body in the school, setting the strategic framework and ensuring it meets all its statutory duties. High quality effective and ethical governance is key to success in our school and for the future of our pupils. Ensuring the best possible outcomes is at the heart of a governing board’s strategic role; every child has the right to reach their potential.

The governing board has the following core strategic functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction by:

  • setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school

  • agreeing the school improvement strategy as appropriate including its priorities and targets

  • being the strategic key decision maker with decisions made in the best interest of pupils and our purpose

  • delegating operational matters to executive leaders and governance functions to committees as appropriate

  • being connected with, and answerable to, the communities we serve, particularly parents/carers

  • meeting statutory duties

Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff by:

  • appointing the headteacher

  • performance managing the headteacher

  • robust holding to account for improving pupil and staff performance by asking the right questions

  • workload consideration

  • rigorous analysis of data

  • understanding the curriculum offer, its intent, implementation, and impact

  • monitoring and evaluating progress towards targets

  • contributing to school self-evaluation


Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent by:

  • ensuring financial probity

  • ensuring financial compliance

  • setting the budget

  • monitoring spending against the budget

  • ensuring value for money is obtained, with the money well spent

  • ensuring risks to the organisation are managed

Our Governing Body

Mr Simon Curd
Co-opted Governor & Chair

Mr Simon Curd

Simon started as a parent governor appointed in November 2018, after his initial term concluded he was co-opted back onto the governing body. He is a qualified Civil Engineer and brings over 25 years project management and leadership experience to the Board. Simon has 2 daughters, both at the school, so hopes to be associated with the school for many years to come.

He is passionate about the outdoors and believes that learning through adventure & experience is fundamental in children’s development so it’s no surprise he is a huge advocate of forest school.

“Regularly spending time in school I’ve found the atmosphere to be positive and inspiring. Volunteering is a great opportunity to work with the staff and other governors to contribute to an outstanding learning environment for our children”


Governor Details

Term of Office :

23.11.2022 – 22.11.2026

Appointing Body :

Governing Body

Committee Membership :

Chair of the FGB,

Member of F,R&P and C&L Committees

Special Responsibilities :

Health & Safety Governor

Mrs Gill Knox
Co-opted Governor & Vice-Chair

Mrs Gill Knox

Gill has been a governor at Hawkhurst since September 2019. She is a retired Headteacher having worked in a number of local primary schools. Gill is the Vice Chair of governors and chairs the Resources committee.

She lives in the village and is a member of the local Baptist Church.


Governor Details

Term of Office :

 04/09/23 – 03/09/27

Appointing Body :

Governing Body

Committee Membership :

Vice Chair of the FGB, 

Chair of the C&L Committee.

Member of the F,R&P Committee

Special Responsibilities :

SEN(D), PP/Covid Catch-up Governor

Mrs Jodi Hacker
Head Teacher

Mrs Jodi Hacker

Jodi is the head teacher of Hawkhurst CEP School. She took over the role in September 2017 having previously been the head teacher at Colliers Green CEP School.

“I am proud to be the Headteacher at Hawkhurst C.E. Primary School.  I have worked in education for 27 years having graduated from Kent University and my background is in Special Educational Needs, Child Protection and Behaviour Management. I believe all children should be given the opportunity to thrive in school and to receive an education tailored to their individual needs.”


Governor Details

Term of Office :

01.09.2017 -

Appointing Body :

Ex Officio

Committee Membership :

Full governing body and all committees.

Special Responsibilities :

Mr Stephen Ringer
Foundation Governor

Mr Stephen Ringer

Stephen is a foundation governor, appointed in 2019. Stephen has been teaching secondary Mathematics for 16 years following 25 years working as an accountant in industry. He is a former Churchwarden of St. Laurence Church and has been a member of the Choir there for 23 years. Stephen enjoys sport, particularly rugby and cricket (which he still plays) and music.


Governor Details

Term of Office :

04.02.2023 – 03.02.2027

Appointing Body :

Parochial Church Council

Committee Membership :

Full Governing Body,

Chair of the F,R&P Committee

Special Responsibilities :

Finance Governor 
Joint SIAMS Governor

Mrs Jane Cooper
Foundation Governor

Mrs Jane Cooper

Jane is a Foundation Governor, appointed in 2018.

Jane is a retired midwife and nurse and has been a foster carer, mostly for teenagers. She is involved in girl guiding and is currently one of two regional safeguarding volunteers.

Jane has many interested and enjoys singing (and music in general), gardening and travel. She lives in a 4 generation household and has 2 grandsons attending Hawkhurst school.

“I am a very new to the governor role, so learning lots at the moment, but I like to think I can play a small part in making our village school the best it can possibly be.”


Governor Details

Term of Office :


Appointing Body :

Canterbury Diocesan Board of Education

Committee Membership :

Full Governing Body

Member of the C&L Committee

Special Responsibilities :

Joint Safeguarding Governor

Rev'd Judy Darkins
Co-opted Governor

Rev'd Judy Darkins

Judy has been a Governor in various church schools for over thirty years. She began work in theatre, then in motor racing following which, as a qualified social worker, ran homes for children in care and also trained as a counsellor.

Her interest in education was increased through work in schools and then as an Education Welfare Officer.

"I strongly believe that a pro-active and well-being focused attitude means that children can and should have a rounded education and the opportunity to achieve their potential in whatever sphere that may be."

Later, she had the privilege of being a priest in the Church of England and enjoys leading assemblies for the staff and pupils.

"I have one grandson at Hawkhurst and am looking forward to working with others on the Governing Board in this incredibly positive and caring school."


Governor Details

Term of Office :

13/07/23 – 12/07/27

Appointing Body :

Governing Body

Committee Membership :

Member of the FGB

Special Responsibilities :


Fr. Rodney Dreyer
Foundation Governor

Fr. Rodney Dreyer

Father Rodney Dreyer is the Vicar at the nearby St Laurence Church. You can visit the Church website at


Governor Details

Term of Office :

09.05.2002 -

Appointing Body :

Ex Officio

Committee Membership :

Full Governing Body

Special Responsibilities :

SIAMS Governor

Mrs Sophie Stephens
Parent Governor

Mrs Sophie Stephens

Sophie Stevens is a parent governor appointed in December 2019.

Sophie is a joint company director of a Management consultancy with her husband. However, her current focus is as a full time Mum to their three children; aged five, two and one.

A creative person with a passionate love of food, interiors and travel, she also enjoys being outside and keeping active as a family.

Sophie is also passionate about education, both social and academic and is therefore keen to be involved and linked to the school in this role.


Governor Details

Term of Office :

05.12.2019 - 04.12.2023

Appointing Body :

Parent Election

Committee Membership :

Full Governing Body

Special Responsibilities :

Vice Chair of the C&L Committee

EYFS Governor

Mrs Jane Phillips
Clerk to the Governing Body
Miss Bethan Eastwood
Staff Governor

Miss Bethan Eastwood

Bethan became the Staff Governor in 2024. 

She is currently the Year 4 (Green Class) Teacher.

Bethan grew up attending Hawkhurst CEP School and was pleased to return to complete her teacher training, qualifying in 2021. Bethan has a keen interest in behaviour and emotional wellbeing with a focus on helping all pupils experience success. She is currently completing her NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture and is supporting Mrs Poland and Mrs Paton with our application to become a Nurture UK school. 


Governor Details

Term of Office :

May 2024 - May 2028

Appointing Body :

Staff election

Committee Membership :

Full Governing Body

Special Responsibilities :


Mr Bob Firmin
Parent Governor

Mr Bob Firmin

Bob Firmin is a parent governor appointed in May 2023.

Formerly an ecologist with a love of the outdoors, where he helped responsible developments to protect and enhance our natural environment, he is now a civil servant and brings experience of evidence-based policy development, stakeholder engagement, and international negotiations.

His son will be joining his daughter at the school in September 2023. Bob is particularly interested in how to prepare children for the rapidly advancing technology and changing climate they will face in their futures.


Governor Details

Term of Office :

May 2023 – May 2027

Appointing Body :

Governing Body

Committee Membership :

Member of the FGB

Special Responsibilities :

Mr Andrew Rose-Hall
Co-opted Governor

Mr Andrew Rose-Hall

Andrew Rose-Hall is a Co-opted governor appointed in May 2024.

More info coming soon.


Governor Details

Term of Office :

May 2024 – May 2028

Appointing Body :

Governing Body

Committee Membership :

Member of the FGB

Special Responsibilities :